
Behaviour management


“Better Learning, Better Behaviour”

We have introduced numerous processes to acknowledge excellent behaviour in class and in the playground. Please take some time and discuss this with your child. When students, staff and parents/carers have realistic, consistent, high level expectations..... students are supported to achieve their very best results.

School Rules

Kippa-Ring State School has four rules that are broken down to include specific rules for classrooms, the playground and off site activities.

School rules graphic 

High five strategy

At Kippa-Ring State School, we teach all students the “High-Five”. This is a physical prompt (hand sign) to remember strategies to assist in the appropriate management of conflict. Each strategy is taught individually and students learn skills to deal with  problems in a systematic, constructive way.

High 5 hand 

Kippa-Paw procedures

Our “Kippa-Paw” program rewards students who are on task, doing their best and displaying quality interpersonal behaviours.


 Rules matrix

Learning Passport


At Kippa-Ring State School we acknowledge the excellent learning habits and behaviour of our students. We reward students who consistently show excellent learning habits and behaviours, with regular feedback and rewards at the end of each term. Each student has a Learning Passport where they collect their Kippa Kanine stickers that they have received over the term.  The passport is a record and acknowledgment of a students positive learning and behaviour choices. 


Managing unacceptable behaviour

If students display unacceptable behaviour, whether in class or at play, a range of consequences are applied. We are currently updating our Student Code of Conduct. For further information, please contact the school office. 

Last reviewed 21 January 2021
Last updated 21 January 2021